A short but wonderful visit from Denmark/Mallorca
Monday - Wednesday, intence, extreme and so funny.
After a really great shift in Room Service with David I came home and found my danish ready Liza on the sofa with 1 L Absolut Tropic in her hand. What a wonderful sight :)
Let the night begin, We got ready and Liza raped my closet, she seriously brought NOTHING with her, only wallet, some make up, pasport and her tickets back to Mallorca.
We started the night by going to see David, Kevin and Michael at some girls from Arola apartment in Barcelonetta. OMG, they were insanly drunk, two girls and Pedro from Marina.
Then we had the big INCIDENT.. I don't know if I can talk this openly about it :P haha
Pedro was really really extremly drunk and he sat down in the sofa and we hear a big sneeze.. only problem is that when he sneezed he also puked at the same time, just right out over the entire room and parts of Kevin and Michael. Wooo there was silence. first this really loud sneeze-puke noize and then complete silence. AND then David just burst out laughing. haha. I have never seen him liek this before, zero control - laughing. Do I even have to point out that Kevin adn Michael wasn't laughing.
Me and Liza quickly escaped out on the balcony soon joined by Kevin and Michael who was trying to clean them selves up. It wasn't that bad but still.
Kevin: "Omg he got it on my 500 € Dolce and Gabana shoes".
David: "Please they are only like 350 €".
Haha these guys huh? They have been shopping every single day since they arrived to Barcelona three weeks ago, Rich kidz have more fun?! Not at all jealous :P
So this was kind of a big party-pooper incident so we leaft QUICKLY after. The fantastic five of us went to Zahara bar for some drinks. We got the strongest Mojitos I have ever experienced. Okey, nice we know them pretty well now but and we get alot of alcohol in our drinks as a favor but I would still like to enjoy my drink. No I am not complaining :P Around 2 am we grabbed two cabs to Opium. Nasty naughty fabolus Mondays at Opium.
I have no idea how I got so drunk but yeah.. according to the pictures we kind of had a lot to drink, I just don't remember this :P haha. Several vodka redbull up in our hands and some heinekens went down the same way.
We danced, DANCED and danced and met some really cute Swedish guys. Around 6 am me and Liz took a taxi home and made some drunken pancakes. Haha OMG there were flour, sugar and small pancake pieces EVERYWHERE. But it was so good. The plan was to have pancakes with icecream but yeah we didnt really have the patient to wait for the pancakes to be done so first we had icecream and then we ate the pancakes one by one when they were done. MJAU! After a nice meal we went to spoone in my bed.
We woke up way to early, I was definatly still drunk but what to do when the crazy Danish lady wants to do some extreme shoping? She bought so much stuff haha, people were looking after us when we walked pass because of all the bags. I bought an awesome Trench from Zara, love at first sight, a hat and some nice underwere. Mjau. I can't even keep track of everything Liza bought. She came with her small Prada handbag and left with that one and a BIG Longchamp filled with clothes, shoes, hats, and tingelitangle ;) It was so much fun! But the most important thing our Barca - Ibra shirts :) Zlatan och jag vi är fràn samma stad. The game sucked though. We went to George Payne together with David, Kevin, Oscar and Michael. Nice crowed but what was Zlatan doing? Not Okey dude! After the game we had the funiest conversation outside, it started like this:
Oscar: "So Liza where do you like now again? Le Guana?"
Liza: "Yeah dude I am from Le Guana next to Guaccamole"
Hahaha She's from Ghana man :P You know this country in west Africa! Classic! And yes it just went down hill from there.
After the game all of us went to Zahara to join with the rest of the Swedish crew: Palle, Shuan, Jesper, Camilla and some other hangers. A couple of drinks, mingeling and then me and Liza left for Shoko. Damn Shoko was dead. We met some creepy circus dudes though and an English guy with the most fucked up hair I have ever seen. Good comment though: Oh so your Dabish, then you love to make fun of other people". Hmm there is some crazy gossip going on in the world. We also met Patricia and Anika in the crowd, always lovely to see you ladies <3. Me and Liza had an early evening and decided to go home around am. More spooning after some pasta with pesto!
I am on a touristbus mother fucker take a look at me.. A 100% tourist day. We started the day with a nice Starbucks B-fast and then we spent the rest of the day on the touristbus, nice. We saw the harbour, my lovely hotel, the beach, diagonal mar, the penisbuildning, parc güell and like 70% of the city. By the way, those earphones you get on the tour is a death trap, serious pain in my ear I couldn't sleep on my left side last night. PLING - Dagens i-landsproblem. And please I can't take any more classical music for the next months. We had a great day chitchating and enjoying the sun. Around 4 pm Liza left me for Mallorca :( And I had the best nap in a really long time, drewling and everything. MmM Nice.
I Had a really great time sweetie, you have to come back soon! I <3 U