Madagascar 3 - Movie of the year
Everyone that knows me know that I LOVE Madagascar

and the 3rd movie did not disapoint me...
"Ohh your back is so hairy, I love that in a woman"
"Dadadaaadadada dadadaaadadada da da da daada dada dadad a Afro, Circus, Afro, Circus, Afro, Pocadot, Pocaot, Pocadot, Afro"
Hilarious and I can't wait to see it again!

Chili Pepper and Brew Festival
A festival where you purchase a glas and a few chili tickets and go nuts for two hours. About 20 different beer producers offer 3-4 different tastings per tent and inbetween you will find home-made chili stands. 2 free concerts and yes I was out of my mind tipsy at 6pm :P
And suprislingly enough it didn't help that we downed 3 pithers of Margarita before the tasting even started. Hmmm weird.

Margarita Lunch

Me & Britt at the tasting

St. Regis represents..

Me & Richard, our Director of Rooms

Me & Brendan and an amazing view over Snowmass!
I know I suck
Confession: I SUCK
I know, I know, I know.. not to great with the "updating my blog thing".
Been back from Sweden for almost a month now and the time just flew by.
Work has been crazy busy, I have 4 new agents to train, but it is so much fun.
And I got a very special person in my life and he is just making everything a 1000 times better. <3
I will update you with what I have been up to during the day... patience people ;)