Missing Home
Just having a rough day missing my family and friends at home so much and I just feel like I have no contact with anyone. 8 hours time difference really kills my relationships. Feel really lonely and down..
Madagascar 3 - Movie of the year
Everyone that knows me know that I LOVE Madagascar

and the 3rd movie did not disapoint me...
"Ohh your back is so hairy, I love that in a woman"
"Dadadaaadadada dadadaaadadada da da da daada dada dadad a Afro, Circus, Afro, Circus, Afro, Pocadot, Pocaot, Pocadot, Afro"
Hilarious and I can't wait to see it again!

Chili Pepper and Brew Festival
A festival where you purchase a glas and a few chili tickets and go nuts for two hours. About 20 different beer producers offer 3-4 different tastings per tent and inbetween you will find home-made chili stands. 2 free concerts and yes I was out of my mind tipsy at 6pm :P
And suprislingly enough it didn't help that we downed 3 pithers of Margarita before the tasting even started. Hmmm weird.

Margarita Lunch

Me & Britt at the tasting

St. Regis represents..

Me & Richard, our Director of Rooms

Me & Brendan and an amazing view over Snowmass!
I know I suck
Confession: I SUCK
I know, I know, I know.. not to great with the "updating my blog thing".
Been back from Sweden for almost a month now and the time just flew by.
Work has been crazy busy, I have 4 new agents to train, but it is so much fun.
And I got a very special person in my life and he is just making everything a 1000 times better. <3
I will update you with what I have been up to during the day... patience people ;)

The look on my dads face when he say me in the hotel lobby yesterday was PRICELESS.. haha.
I arrived 8 hrs before my parents so Petra and Slaven came by the hotel, we went down to the mall and got some lunch and then we all took a nice power nap. Then they came by my hotel again and we got al dressed up and sat in the lobby to wait for my parents to arrive. It was a perfect setup with a small halfwall between lobby and the bar so we were hiding behind it with a few glasses of cava and we payed the receptionist to ask them to sit down when they arrived, like the room wasn't ready. The laughters the laughters.
When they were looking away the 3 of us stood up behind this wall and Slaven was filming everything. I swear my dad looked at me like 4 times before he realized it was me. Haha. Too funny.
We all had an amazing dinner at Cal Pep and then Me, Petra and Slaven har a few cocktails at milk and the night ended at SUTTON.
Slaven tried to sell me to some random guys and then the happy couple strated to fight and we went home. The best thing is that I had no memory of this when I woke up this morning, still drunk of my face :P

The 3 Tramsebyxorna ;)

I think I just might stay here.. ohh I love Barcelona <3
Leaving on a jetplane
And the time has come to leave Aspen and the United States for a 2 week vacation in Barcelona & Malmö.
Kind of have mixed feelings about leaving but so excited to see all of my Friends again and my Family.
Had an amazing last day in Aspen though. Me and Haz had a great Breakfast followed by shopping and drinking :P haha. This guy is so amazing and I am goign to miss him. Going from seeing each other every day to not see or be able to speak to each other for more than 2 weeks.
In a few hours I will be in NYC, huging it out with my Amandin! It is weird not to have seen you in several months. Today we will at least have 4 hours together!
Tomorrow morning I am waking up in Barcelona!
1 day

Oh yes Sutton I want you really bad!
Tomorrow, Manana, Imorgon
2 days

Already made dinner plans of returning to Rosa Negra.. MMM 3€ Mojitos =)
See you on Friday!
Te amo Rosa Negra
3 days

4 Days

Who needs juice when you got Sangria?
Summer Shopping
Can honestly say that I did not think my packing through well enough when moving here. I have 0 summer clothes. SO what else to do but shopping? hihi. Not me against!

So Where do we start? SHOES

Bought these Amazing Wedges online at shoedazzle.com, easy breezy and so comfortable

Decided that I don't have enough sexy sandals so a cute black pair from Maurice

Bought this cool dress on sale, previous 158 dollars but I bought it for 18 dollars, just makes me like it more.

A nice tight thing that made me look uber thin. Love it. And it will be amazing with my balck sandals! Oh yes!

My first and only buy in Aspen so far :P Good thing my friends knows the owner huh?

Bought a cool gold neckles with feathers to pimp up my black onepiece!

A cute little black thing, a bit more sporty but I love it. Will look casual chic, or like Haz would say "You look like you don't care" haha.
Barca 5 days
Countdown has started - 5

So we are currently in a hiering face at the hotel and OMG some of the resumes we receive. I can honestly say that I prefer the CV system we have in Europe. These resumes are about five pages long and the most boring essays I have ever read. Who wants to know that you were responsible for making sure the bathrooms got cleaned regulary at the McDonalds you worked at eight years ago? Let me answer it for you, NOONE!
I am quite amazed that we received a good 35 resumes but only one of them have ever worked in a Front Desk, like what? Are you guys serious? I understand, I have applied to some jobs I am not a 100% qualified for but I have atleast a Hospitality Management Education. These guys are engineers, nurses, ski instructors and telephone operators. NO, no, NO. It's a bit frustrating.
Anywho, I am exiting to get some new people to our team, season is starting and I can't wait for the hotel to be busy again!
Anyone wants a job at St. Regis Aspen? :P
Bye Bye
Yesterday was Janine "Janinovich" Robinsons last day at St. Regis Aspen =(

(Yes I found this picture on your Facebook and it almost made me feel blessed that you are leaving, almost)
Well I had an awesome time with you, both at work and outside work. I wish you all the best in your future and rock San Fran ;) I will come and see you in September! :)
I feel that my Les Roches Blog is suffering at the moment. I just have 0 motivation to write for it at the moment. All my energy basically goes to working and to improve things over there. At the moment I am working on our Front Desk training manuals and deparment cross training. Plus I made the mistake of offering to help my manager with some stuff today so i will be busy, busy until I leave.
If you have any suggestions of what I can write about please help me out! I need all the motivation I can get and I could really use another post before I leave for vacation. Because lets face it, there will not be any time leftover for writing when I am out of here :P
Greatful for advice!